Pena ini memiliki sebuah lampu di atasnya.pena ini bnr2 gila."Pendragon" artinya pena-membangun-sendiri.
Pena memiliki 4 bagian. Pertama NIB, Unit Pusat, Bagian Akhir, dan Unit yg diperluas.
NIB adlh bagian menulis, dpt diubah ke ballpoint,pena,fountian-pena,pensil mekanik,atau pena digital.Unit Pusat memiliki lampu LED, Pemutar musik,colokan charger,kartu memori,dan baterai. Bagian Akhir memiliki koneksi bluetooth utk headphone A2DP dgn MP3 terletak di Unit Pusat. Unit diperluas:Kamera, mikrofon, laser pointer, pemotong, korektor, usb connetion, penerima WLAN utk mhbgkan ke komputer,internet.
Color picker pen
Pulpen hasil temuan Park Jin Sun yg bisa men-scan warna dari benda/objek apapun disekitar kita & bisa digunakan secara instan utk menggambar/menulis. Caranya, dekatkan Sensor RGB di bagian belakang pd objek yg warnanya kita inginkan, kemudian tekan tombol scan. RGB cartridge akan berfungsi mencampur warna shg warna yg kita inginkan akan muncul di display pd pulpen tsb.
kesan dan pesan yang akan saya berikan untuk sekolah saya yang sangat tercinta ini mungkin jangan terlalu mengandalkan teknologi-teknologi zaman modern yang melimpah di dunia ini, munkin juga harus memperhatikan cara pembelajaran yang lebih mujarab dan tidak terlalu membebani murid, dan juga saya punya pesan, MAN 3 kan full day boarding school bagaimana jika di kurangi pemberian tugas rumah yang sangat banyak, jika di lakukan sesuatu yang seperti itu terus, maka siswa-siswi susah dalam memanage waktu kapan kita mengerjakan tugas, kapan kita belajar, kususnya bagi santri asrama, stelah pulang sekolah tidak mungkin langsung mengerjakan tugas tersebut, ingat!! MANUSIA BUTUH SESUATU YANG BISA MENDINGINKAN OTAK MEREKA jika seperti ini terus bukannya meningkatkan SDM yang ada, tapi sedikit demi sedikit menggrogoti SDM berkuaklitas yang ada, ya kalo semua anak MAN 3 Malang pintar dalam mengatur waktu, kalo tidak, ya sama saja kita dengan membuat sesuatu yang jinak menjadi sesuatu yang liar, siswa pasti juga akan memberontak kalo di perlakukan seperti itu terus, di asrama juga kita tidak memiliki waktu yang banyak dalam mengerjakan atau belajar dengan efektif seperti siswa non-asrama yang punya banyak waktu senggang, maghrib harus belajar kitab setelah isya' memang di beri waktu untuk belajar, tapi waktu ini tidak terlalu efektif, karena kemungkinan terbesar siswa tidak belajar, tapi bermain dengan teman-temannya, waktu seperti ini efektif jika semua anak asrama pendiam dan rajin belajar, tapi anak MAN 3 berasal dari berbagai daerah dan berbagai jenis keluarga, dan sudah tentu merreka punya kepribadian yang berbeda-beda. bukannya saya protes terhadap cara pembelajaran di MAN 3 tapi sayakan hanya memberi saran.
OIYA! sama satu lagi saya mewakili seluruh murid mungkin, janga pelit-pelit kalo ngsil liburan dan jangan terlalu menunutut sekali lagi saya katakan manusia butuh refreshing, mungkin masalah yang terakhir ini masalah kuno, tapi mungkinini bisa menjadi solusi.
nb: ampun pak saya memberi saran jangan di panggil ntar ke kantor!
Ujian semester tahun ini sepertinya merupakan sebuah bencana besar bagi siswa dan sisiwi di MAN 3 Malang, kenapa?? mungkin karena ujian semester yang sekarang siswa siswi di MAN 3 Malang banyak mata pelajaran yang tidak tuntas, tidak tahu faktor dari murid-murid yang tidak memperhatikan saat pelajaran, murid-murid yang tidak niat dalam mengerjakan soal, atau murid-murid yang di tuntut untuk kejar-kejaran dalam pelajaran.
Mungkin juga murid-murid MAN 3 Malang banyak yang tidak tuntas karena mereka berpikir bahwa kemampuan mereka hanya sampai di situ saja bahkan mungkin ada juga murid yang merasa dirinya bisa tapi ketika nilai diumumkan dia remidi, tidak tahu yang salah jawaban gurunya atau mesin scannya yang dendam dengan murid-murid MAN 3 Malang.
Selain itu banyak pelajaran yang di wajibkan anak MAN 3 Malang di suruh kebut-kebutam, padahal belum tentu seluruh materi yang di berikan oleh guru-gurunya semuwa murid bisa menerima dengan lancar dan memahaminya dengan seksama. Tapi menurut saya inti dari semua itu adalah siswa-siswi MAN 3 Malng di tuntut untuk bisa segalanya padahal otak manusia itu juga ada batasnya jika tiap tahun sperti ini mungkin banyak anak MAN 3 Malang yang stress di akibatkan olehnya.
Untuk ujian semester TIK sangka tak di sangka ternyata banyak yang remidi padahal siswa-siswi sudah yakin bisa mengerjakan semua soal dengan lancar tanpa terkecuali, mungkin ini akibat dari siswa-siswi yang terlalu ambisius dengan seluruh jawaban mereka, padahal tidak semua jawaban yang mereka jawab benar, dan ternyata akhirnya saat diumumkan siapa yang yang remidi hanya beberapa yang tidak remidi dari ratusan siswa-siswi MAN 3 Malang, ckckckckc, ternyata fasilitas yang di sediakan selama ini tidak begitu mendukung, bahkan kalau di bilang hanya sekedar pajangan yang hanya bisa di nikmati keindahnnya saja, ataukah mesin scannya yang bermasalah, ALLAHU'ALAM BISSAWAB, bisa saja mungkin juga karena ALLAH tidak meridoi kita semua.
nb: if you not understand with my posting, please translte it, because it use indoneisan languange, and i posting it because this is a job for MAN 3 Malang student who get bad score at TIK(technology information) and MAN 3 Malang is my school
thanks ^.^
posted by Stuart Cornuelle / News / December 14, 2010
posted by scornuelle / News / November 21, 2010
Plucked from Outer Island tour guide work to join Hurley’s surf team, Evan Valiere has — just this week — found the underground surfer’s equivalent of a Wonka golden ticket. The deal is fresh, and yet so long overdue. SURFING asked Evan for the details of his new sponsorship.
Another Andy Irons Memorial in Bali
By Nathan Myers
Photos by Seewah Chou
It was the largest paddle I’ve ever seen…so far. But I suspect it won’t be for long. We’ll be heading to the North Shore soon, and the ghost of Andy Irons is coming with us.
More than 500 people assembled on Kuta Beach, Bali yesterday to pay their respects to the tragic passing of our three time champion. All the Bali pros: Rizal, Tipi, Garut, Mega, Marlon, Lee… All the usual ex-pats: Snake, Mikala, Machado… Local industry. Visiting bros. Random Germans. Hans Hedemann and Evan Slater. It felt like family.
We tossed flowers. Splashed the water. Observed a silence.
It was a paddle-out. It was emotional.
Can Kelly Slater win a 10th world title on a wave tailor made for surfers half his age?
Words by Jamie Tierney
Photos by Sherm
That’s the question at the 2010 Rip Curl Search in Puerto Rico. Middles, a gnarly little reef, on PR’s north shore is a Modern Collective wave – chunky, rampy and delightfully onshore. It looks similar to the right in Reunion Island where Jordy, in the world of Lewis Samuels “redefined modern performance surfing.” Kelly, after seeing the movie said he wanted to go there for a month to learn how to do airs like that. He hasn’t made it there yet, but judging from the massive full rotation alley oop he pulled in the semis at the last event in Portugal, the old dog’s got no problems learning some new tricks.
Team Peru celebrates fairytale victory
Peru poured Pisco Sours Wednesday night to toast their victory at the ISA World Surf Games. The underdog host country edged out Australia for the gold, with South Africa and Brazil finishing third and fourth, respectively. Team USA finished sixth behind Tahiti.
Over 200 surfers representing 31 nations spent the week competing in four-to-six foot surf at Punta Hermosa, just outside Lima, Peru. National flags were flown and surfers conversed in 9 different languages as they surfed in the frigid water and mingled on land. They competed for their countries and also for themselves.
Claiming the men’s shortboard gold was Tahiti’s ultra-stylish Hira Teriinatoofa, who squeaked out a narrow win over Peruvian hometown hero Gabriel Villaran.
It may be his first time in the Billabong ISA World Surfing Games Presented by Amarok of Volkswagen, but this is no rookie.
For as good as he surfs, you don’t hear a lot about Micah Byrne. Of course, he’s not one to toot his own horn, but the Huntington Beach hero’s been battling through heats for ages, and is owed respect for all the competitive success he’s earned over the years. Coming of age on the NSSA scene when guys like Bobby Martinez and Fred Patacchia were setting records, he’s always been right there in the mix. And then when Surf City cohorts like Timmy and Ryan Turner turned their nose at the contest circuit in pursuit of more exotic triumphs in Indonesia, Micah was quick to join them on their leaky fishing boats and go feral. During the real estate boom a couple years HB legend Jay Larson convinced him to pursue his real estate license—then the bottom promptly fell out of the market. Today Micah’s a father of two, works in the trenches of the surf industry, and still tears the bag out of it when the pier or Magnolia Street turns on.
By Zander Morton
Photos by Logan Bowles/VOID
At 8 AM Saturday October 16th, the 4th of a 6 day waiting period for the Seven Tiki Pro in Neptune Beach, FL, things were not looking good. The waves were flat. As in completely, 100 percent not surfable. Not even a SUP could get moving. Worst of all, the forecast for the remaining two days in the waiting period was for more of the same dismal flatness.
Seven Tiki Rum drinking contest, anyone?
At 11 AM a brisk NE wind began blowing, and on a whim and a prayer contest director Jay Dodson made the call. 1 PM start, double beaches, entire contest finished by dark. Miraculously, the waves followed suit. By the time the contest kicked off the surf had rapidly built into the fun waist high range. The rum bottles would have to wait a few hours.
Words by Taylor Paul
Photos by Nate Lawrence
Fall is combo swells and chilly water. Fall is shorter days and pumpkin pie. It’s turning leaves and turning trick-or-treaters away because you forgot to buy candy. And it’s the Coldwater Classic in Santa Cruz. But baseball fans don’t really care about that right now, because for the first time since 2002 in Northern California, fall is postseason baseball.
With the surf contest on hold and the Giants playing the Phillies only an hour and a half away in San Francisco, Nike 6.0 team manager (and lifelong Giants fan) Frankie D’Andrea decided his team needed a field trip. With SURFING photographer Nate Lawrence along for the ride, the boys (and girl) went to “The City” for surprisingly good surf, then to AT&T Park for a historic game. Here are the surfers’ thoughts on baseball…and surfing.
On a Wednesday, Jimmicane was at his desk in the SURFING office, pretending to work but really reading Jacksonville Jaguars blogs or something. Then he got an email: Mentawais? By Thursday he was gone. He came back with the December Issue cover shot, of Brazilian grom Caio Ibelli (final photo at bottom of the sequence below).
![2 2](
LOTW runs for seven days, with the week’s most brilliant submissions picked and posted every Monday on There are two ways to write in: send an email to, or use the Write a Letter tab on our Facebook page.
Photos by Michael Lallande
This past Saturday SURFING Magazine was on hand at the Dane Williams’ Memorial Surf contest in Huntington Beach. Dane’s life was tragically cut short a few years ago during a tradeshow in San Diego. He was a close friend and an amazing human who is missed by us all. Over the weekend Dane’s friends and family came out to remember him. The turn out was fantastic, money was raised for San Diego Crime Stoppers and the waves were cooking all day.
Frimanto takes home a cash prize of Rp 10 million (approx $1,120 USD) for his win, runner up Hermawan banks Rp 7 million (($780 USD), Rondi Rp 4 million ($450 USD), and Awan Rp 2 million ($225 USD) for their day of surfing.
story by Nathan Myers
portrait by Nate Lawrence
event photos by Seewah
Show’s over. Everyone’s dancing. Laughing. Celebrating the night. I cruise to the outside bar at Tipi Jabrik’s RAW store with Balinese surfer Garut Widiarta and hand him an envelope containing TEN MILLION rupiah. A huge wad of cash.
Garut gives me a hug. Then he takes out the cash and peels off a few million rups for his editor, Norwegian grom Nikko Solkkeil (who recently helped Flynn Novak qualify in the Wild Card round). Next Garut hands the bartender a wad and orders up rounds of shots for everyone nearby.
It’s pouring rain. We smash the oversized check and knock back our tequila soaking wet. Garut orders more. Damn, these Indonesian have learned a lot from visiting surfers. A generation ago, most Balinese couldn’t even swim. Garut is a first generation Indo surfer. Learned on a broken board at Uluwatu. Grew up in the Balinese invasion years, and now here he stands, buying rounds for the media.
Clever man.
![]() Photos by Sherm This is really happening now. Jordy Smith, after coming second in the final at the Rip Curl Pro Portugal today, now must make the quarters in Puerto Rico for the world title race to continue. Otherwise, it’s 10 in ‘10 for the man who forgot to slow down for age. Today, that man notched another win, for his 44th career World Tour victory. Steve Sherman is tailing Kelly to document this year’s campaign and submitted these shots from a rather historic European day at the beach. |
Garut Widiarta has been working on his Innersection part for months with core division team in the archipelago of Indo and it's finally online for all to see.
Go to to watch his video.
Rip Curl’s Tyler Wright signalled her intentions for the ASP Women’s World Junior title, defeating Alizee Arnaud – 13.40 to 12.67, in a tight final.
"Live The Search" is the first high-end 3D surfing game to hit the iPhone and combines high-action arcade game-play with a realistic surfing experience.
Travel the world searching out secret waves and surfing as ASP World Champions Mick Fanning and Stephanie Gilmore or put yourself in the game by creating a unique surfer. Progress your way through the game by completing goals, unlocking trips and taking on other objectives.
It’s all about travel, adventure and living the Search!
Billabong, Chillingo and Biodroid brings " Billabong Surf Trip" to the app store.
Ride the waves at famous beaches around the world with ‘Billabong Surf Trip.” Learn how to rip, shred and get barreled in a variety of waves with tips from Billabong’s top professional surfers, Andy Irons, Taj Burrow, Joel Parkinson and Tiago Pires. The adrenaline rush of surfing is right at your fingertips.
Billabong Surf Trip is available NOW as a Universal App for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad on the Apple App Store. (Price: $3.99)
"Billabong Surf Trip" embodies the surfing lifestyle and appeals to not only seasoned surfers but those new to the sport with its interactive and compelling gameplay.
![Bells Beach, VIC](
By Jamie Tierney
“He’s a 9-time world champion. He probably should get a tenth.” Jordy Smith
“It’s a start. I’m going to Portugal now and have a lot of fun.” Mick Fanning
The difference between those two quotes is emblematic of what happened in France today. Mick Fanning started his campaign to defend his world title while Jordy Smith may have surrendered in his first shot at one.
Before running up against Mardiana, Kiring looked unstoppable. The goofyfoot spent the day ripping apart the long 2-to-3 foot lefts on tap at Medewi's picturesque cobblestone point and winning every heat on his way to the final.
After a Third Place Showing at Last Year’s Event in Costa Rica, the Australians Bring Some Heavy Talent to the 2010 Championship Australia will be well represented at the 2010 Billabong ISA World Surfing Games when it opens October 18th in Lima, Peru.
With the final team now selected, it seems Australia is positioned to become a serious contender for gold medals against a quality field of international surfing teams.
Taylor Steele Innersection reality is that most segments will not be making movies, the last round only saw 54 entries. SURFING want to give our tribute to some of our favorite, underappreciated entries that you can no longer look at Innersection. Surfer is only supporting actor now, but next year, there are people who can have a major role."Surf comedy" is a popular genre painful. Most of us prefer to surf fin is less than watching a pro surfer trying to convey dialog.Terutama on Innersection, where you may also just have a plumber come and get down to business. Cracking jokes is not ripping.
Put that camera ... there's more room on Innersection. The spots end it was decided last week, and Taylor Steele in New York screening of such momentum in 1999. Here's our quick introduction to the finalists final, finally: 1. Gabriel VILLARAN: Gabe both the national champion Peruvian and South American national treasure. He's one of the best people you could hope to meet in the desert of Peru, super-hard charger in place you should try charging, and tubesmith back parallel to the surfer on tour. Check out the wave in parts of Peru Steele Palace in the Sky for some jaw-dropping evidence ... then look out for its DVD shipments caused the whole of South America watch part two times.
for all friends and lovers surfing world, MINAL AIDZIN WAL FA IDZIN berlebaran congratulations and congratulations again rejoice over sacred.
I as the owner of the blog is all about Surfing is apologizing profusely for all the mistakes I ever made and the error information contained in this blog.
thanks for everything.
assalamu'alaikmu wr.wb.
GOLD COAST, 165 September 2010: When it all comes down, the goal is pure and simple - Custom air raid was about finding something new; produce very inspired and revolutionary surf broken all the rules, forever changing the face of surfing as we know itu.Acara attack Air this year has really driven surf to creative extremes, and divide the judge in the middle. "It's not a unanimous decision this year, that's for sure." Said Harry Truscott, Custom General Manager, and a judge this year. "Two major competitors when it comes down to it is Chris Custom's 'CHIPPA' Wilson and Hawaii Flynn Novak, both ride away from remarkable, and examples of very differently about how to take surfing to the next.
"Chippa do big spin back legit, legit! No sliding back, not shuv to switch landing awkwardly. In a straight up single trick done easily and with style. If something is done on a surfboard can be referred directly to the skateboard then that is wrong satu.Di the other hand you've got Hawaii Flynn Novak, who until this year's event have been working hard with the direction of what he has broken away at for 8 eight years - a full Backflip, or Flip Flynnstone as he had known. No half steppin 'in there. "The opposing Flynnstone flip where many think surfing can go," said the Custom's USA Brand Director, Pat Fraley. "These things happen which is said to resemble, but Flynn will be immediately reversed, full rotation, just as he was bound on a snowboard. C, crazy! "So with all that said, it's pleasure to announce that Custom Flynn Novak is the winner of an air raid Custom 2010! In addition to being crowned champion this year, Flynn also walked away with a gift of USD $ 50,000, the richest prize in surfing to move tunggal.Pemenang last year , Dusty Payne, who registered to let Flynn out the big news. Flynn shouted for joy deafening telinga.Flynn win the flip, and all other outstanding entries, can be viewed at website event,
14 September 2010, Rote Island, East Indonesia: Rote Open 2010, presented by Billabong was kicked off at the Beach Boa views on the beautiful island of Rote in East Indonesia today with an opening ceremony complete with local traditional dances and speeches excited by Regent Rote, and Rote then local surfers took to the waves 2-4 feet consistent reef break to compete in the Division of Local.Regent Rote Haning Honorable Leonard opened the event with a reception and delivery of a symbolic transfer of a surfboard to a surfer girl, Nina Jago from Australia. Regent Haning express his feelings about the incident, stating "I am proud to welcome you here to this beautiful island, and for the second time we hold Open Rote here at Boa Beach. I hope you have a great time and enjoy the competition and the beauty of the island This and all these people have to offer. We thank you for coming here and hope to see you back here every year. And please invite your friends and family to come too! "
International Surfing Day, held every year on or near the date of the summer solstice - usually 20 Jun (June 21 in leap years) - is, environment-conscious unofficial sports-centered holiday that celebrates the sport surfing and surf lifestyle and sustainability marine resources. This holiday has been criticized for being too corporate. Contests and prizes are also part of the celebration with prizes donated surf related industries such as surfboards and wetsuits. Another purpose of this celebration is to promote the popularity of surfing and attract new participants.
Polyurethane (P.U) boards
Surfboards are usually constructed using polyurethane foam. They are made stronger with one or more small pieces of wood, called a stringer, going down the middle of the board. The foam is molded into a "blank", in the rough shape of a surfboard.[3] Once the blanks have been made they are given to shapers. Shapers then cut, plane, and sand the board to its specifications. Finally, the board is covered in one or more layers of fiberglass cloth and resin. It is during this stage that the fins, or boxes for removable fins, are put on and the leash plug is installed. Another method of making boards is using epoxy resin and polystyrene foam, instead of polyester resin and polyurethane foam. In recent years, surfboards made out of balsa and a polystyrene core are becoming more popular. Even solid balsa surfboards are available.Although foam boards are usually shaped by hand, the use of machines to shape them has become more popular over the years. Modern technology has made its way into surfboard production as well. Vacuum forming and modern sandwich construction techniques borrowed from other industries have become more common in the industry. Many surfers have switched to riding sandwich-construction, epoxy boards. These boards have become especially popular with beginner surfers as they provide a cheaper entry level surfboard.[4]
Balsa boards
The history of using balsa as a material for surfboard making goes back to the Hawaiians but really hits off in the late 1930s. Being light and strong, balsa wood was long considered a perfect material for surfboards. However, shapers could not use this fragile wood to make entire surfboards until after WW2 when fiberglass was invented.The advantages of balsa wood boards is that they are a lot lighter, more buoyant and therefore easier to handle. These boards did have some disadvantages, however, because they were not as sturdy as the solid redwood. They are currently favoured by surfers and collectors because they are more durable than a regular surfboard, environmentally friendly and have a beautiful look.
Ahhh, yes, much loved surf comp. What prize is $ 50,000 on a pipe or trophies at the presentation to your local club, we all love to get good results. Here's how to do best in a competitive situation.Set up the standard of competition officials assess tent, / judges, hot / scoreboard where officials will install times, competitors and score, surfers, supporters, the area contest, and three colored flag.There are three flags used during the competition and any change will be the flag signal to the surfer with a whistle, horn or hooter.
Like every sport, there are rules for surfing. They help protect you and others, and makes surfing more enjoyable. Here are some important rules about surfing.1. Avoid getting in the way of another.2. People ride the wave right of way.3. Ever surf beyond your capabilities.4. Keeping yourself and your equipment in top condition.5. Keep an eye out for swimmers.6. Do not force the breaking wave surfer.7. Never surf alone. sea was huge and very dangerous.
Surfing is a surface water sport.Two major subdivisions within a stand-up surfing is longboarding and shortboarding, reflect differences in surfboard design, including long-board surfing, and riding style.In tow-in surfing (most often, but not exclusively, associated with big wave surfing), a motorized water vehicle, such as private boat TOWS the surfer into the wave front, helping big wave surfer game speed is higher, the speed that is generally, but not limited to the speed of a surfer-motion itself can not match.Surfing-related sports such as paddleboarding and sea kayaking do not require waves, and other derivative sports such as kitesurfing and windsurfing rely primarily on wind for power, but all of these platforms can also be used to ride the wave.Recently, by using the V-drive boat, wake surfing, rose after the boat has emerged.
this page help you to know more about surfing, all about the history, how to learn it, etc. i hope all of you love this page and can positive respond with this page. thanks to all of surfing page. thank you by: the maker